صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة
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الموضوع: -•=»‡«=•-(Brian Littrell من الـ BSB "تقرير")-•=»‡«=•-(مـــوضـــوع جــمـــيــل)

أهلين بكل الغالييين اليوم شفت لكم موضوع رائع فحبيت أنقله لكم ^^,, التوبيك عن الفنان Brian Littrell احد اعضاء فريقه الباك ستريت بويز ,, والموضوع تقـرير ^^""

  1. #1 51 -•=»‡«=•-(Brian Littrell من الـ BSB "تقرير")-•=»‡«=•-(مـــوضـــوع جــمـــيــل) 
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵
    bsb, الـ, تقرير•»‡«•مـــوضـــوع, جــمـــيــل, littrell

    أهلين بكل الغالييين

    اليوم شفت لكم موضوع رائع فحبيت أنقله لكم ^^,,

    التوبيك عن الفنان Brian Littrell احد اعضاء فريقه الباك ستريت بويز ,,

    والموضوع تقـرير ^^""

    -•=»‡«=•-(Brian Littrell "تقرير")-•=»‡«=•-(مـــوضـــوع جــمـــيــل) sq-brian_littrell_cl

    -•=»‡«=•-(محتوى التقرير)-•=»‡«=•-

    راح يكون التقرير ع عدة فقرات و اجزاء .

    1- قصة الفرقه التى كان فيها براين(بدايته)
    2- معلومات عن براين ليتيل
    3- اغاني الالبوم & كلماتها
    4- اخر اخباره
    5- الصور و الخلفيات

    الرجــاء عدم الرد حتى الانتهاء من كل الموضوع .


    -•=»‡«=•-(Brian Littrell lk hgJ BSB "jrvdv")-•=»‡«=•-(lJJJ,qJJJ,u [JJlJJJdJJg)

    رد مع اقتباس  

  2. #2  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵

    قصة بداية Brian Littrell مع الفرقه و كيف تكونت وحصلت على هده الشهرة الرائعه .

    بَدأَت قصه هدة الفرقه في المدرسة العليا عندما قرر
    أي جْي & نيك & وهاوي ,البَدْء بالغِنَاء سوية بعد المُرور ببعضهم البعض في التجاربِ
    لاحقاً كيفين وإبن عمه براين, إنضمّا إلى المجموعةِ بَعْدَ أَنْ إنتقلوا إلى فلوريدا مِنْ كنتاكي
    بالرغم من أنَّ كُلّ هؤلاء الرجالِ كَانوا جدّد ع الفرق،لكنهم لم يكَونوا جدّدَ على الأداء. بعُمرِ 12 نيك كَانَ متقدم
    في The Phantom of the Opera واي حي وهاوي قد عرضوا في التلفزيون , وبراين غَنّى في جوقةِ كنيستِه
    عادَ نجاحُ Backstreet Boys بسرعة في أوروبا وفي1996، قاموا بإطلاق اغنيهQuit Playing Games (with my Heart)
    كَسروا المراكز في كندا والولايات المتّحدة
    وبعدها باعوا أكثر من 1.3 مليون نسخةِ في إسبوعِه الأولِ. في 2000،انزلوا البوم Black and Blue ، يَبِيعُ 1.6 مليون نسخةَ في إسبوعِها الأولِ .
    "نحن فقط خمسة رجالِ الذين يَحبّونَ الغِنَاء. عِنْدَنا حبّ وإحترام للموسيقى ونحن نُريدُ أَنْ يَكُونَ عِنْدَنا مهنُ في هذه الصناعةِ لوقت طويل"
    تقريباً 5 سَنَواتِ بعد ألبومِهم الأخيرِ the Backstreet Boys يعودون عودة حازمة بيونيو/حزيرانِ الأغنية 12 "Never Gone"
    يَعْكسُ النماذجَ البالغةَ التي كَسرتْ مبيعاتَ الحفلة الموسيقيةَ والموسيقى
    إنتقال أكثر مِنْ 73 مليون ألبوم (30 مليون في أمريكا) منذ مقدمتِهم في 1997.
    اليوم، تقريباً عقد منذ نجاحِهم الأوليِ ومتابعتهم 3 سَنَوات
    قالوا انه من الافضل لهم ان ياْخذوا استراحه من رحلتهم الفنيه ويرجعوا بأفضل حال
    "نحن كُنّا نَتجوّلُ تقريباً بِاستمرار ل7- 8 سَنَواتِ ونحن كُنّا نَعِيشُ تقريباً في فقاعة؛ فَقدنَا منظوراً على الكثير مِنْ الأشياءِ، "كيفين يَقُولُ.
    "تَحتاجُ للإعتِناء بنفسك وتَرتاحُ وتَكُونُ قادر على العَكْس.
    هذا الوقتِ مِنْ أعطاَنا نُصادفُ لإعادة شحن بطارياتِنا ونَخْطو بعيداً ونَرى ما حَدث في حياتِنا، الذي أنجزنَا ولِكي نَكُونَ شاكرون للفرصِ التي كَانَ عِنْدَنا وشاكرة لبعضهم البعض."
    أصبحَ براين أبّاً أثناء الإستراحةِ، و كيفين مثل في دور بطولةِ في "شيكاغو، "
    و نيك اصبح له مشروع منفرد وهاوي واصل جُهودَه بمؤسسةِ داء الذئبةِ بعد موت أختِه الأكبر سناً كارولين في 1998 بهذا الداء. أي جْي قضى وقته في مركزِ التأهيل.
    "أنا كُنْتُ صاحيُ لـ 2 ½ سَنَوات، "أي جْي يَقُولُ. "أُقدّرُ عائلتي، وهؤلاء الرجالِ (اصدقائه في الفرقه) ونفسي أكثرِ.
    الحياة عظيمةُ. وهي تساوي ان اعيشها ثانيةً."
    بعد نزول البوم"Never Gone"
    "تلك الأغنيةِ كَانتْ حقاً مهمة إلى كل واحد مِنْنا، "أي جْي يَقُولُ. "بالأضافة إلى خسارةَ أبِّ كيفين، فَقدتُ كلا مِنْ أجدادِي، نيك جدته وهاوي أخته. قَدْ واجهنَا خسائرَ عظيمةَ،
    لذا هذه الأغنيةِ تَمْسُّنا حقاً شخصياً
    " ,,


    رد مع اقتباس  

  3. #3  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵

    البطاقة الشخصية لــــ Brian Littrell وكل مايتعلق به من اهتماماته و ما الى ذلك

    الاسم الكامل / برايان توماس ليتريل

    مولود / 20 فبراير, 1975

    البرج / الحوت

    النيك نيم/ B-Rok ( حصل على الاسم بسبب الطّريقة الّتي بها على ملعب الب-بول )

    الحيوانات المحببة/ القطط

    التّسالي/ رفع الأثقال, كرة السّلّة, التّزحلق على الماء و الاستماع للموسيقى .

    البيت / عندما لا يتجوّلون, يعيش في شقّة قرب يونيفرسال ستوديوز مع كيفن و هاوي .

    اللّون المفضّل/ أزرق

    الطّعام المفضّل / المكرونة و الجبن

    الفيلم المفضّل / Star Wars

    النّجوم المفضّلون / Tom Hanks & Sandra Bullock

    الكولونيا المفضّلة / Safari

    الفرقة المفضلة / Boyz II Men and Bobby Brown

    سيّدته المثاليّة/ يقول برايان أنه يُجْذَب إلى عيون البنت . العيون جذّابة جدًّا إليّ . أحبّ الشخص المهتمّ بمهنة لنفسه و يمكن أن أعاملني مثل شخص عاديّ ."

    الملاحظة الجانبيّة / برايان يخاف من الارتفاعات

    هو في الأغلب . .احتفظ بأسرارك ! يؤمن برايان بالثّقة بين الأصدقاء ,,

    يــتــبـع ,,

    رد مع اقتباس  

  4. #4  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵

    و راح يتجزء لجزئين

    -•=»‡«=•-(الالبومات للـ BSB)-•=»‡«=•-
    عند بدايته للغناء مع الفرقه .

    (Backstreet Boys International Release)
    Release Date/ May 5, 1996

    Backstreet Boys
    Release Date/ August 12, 1997

    Release Date/ May 18, 1999

    Black & Blue
    Release Date/ November 21, 2000

    The Hits - Chapter One
    Release Date/ October 30, 2001

    Never Gone
    Release Date/ June 14, 2005

    يــتــبـع ,,

    رد مع اقتباس  

  5. #5  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵

    -•=»‡«=•-(البوم Brian Littrell )-•=»‡«=•-

    Brian Littrell » Welcome Home

    والبومه الاول .

    My Answer Is You



    There's a world of difference when faith is in a heart
    It stands out like sunlight
    Life becomes so dark
    And when those around me ask me why
    I dare to dream
    Or why I love or why sing

    My answer is You
    My answer is You
    You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
    Skeptics won't understand
    Íe's strange from the world's point of view
    My answer is You

    They might find it incredible to belive what I can't see
    They might think it's foolish
    Or even say it's weak
    I want to live my life so differently because of faith
    If it causes them to question, for me to say

    My answer is You
    My answer is You
    You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
    Skeptics won't understand
    Íe's strange from the world's point of view
    My answer is You

    You're the reason I'm alive
    For every good thing in my life
    My answer is You
    My answer is You
    You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
    Skeptics won't understand
    It's strange from the world's point of view
    But my answer is plain and it's simple, Lord
    My answer is You





    For just a moment
    I wish I could have been there
    To see Your first step, hear Your very first word
    Tell me, did You ever fall and scrape Your knee?
    Did You know Your wounds would one day heal the world?
    For just one moment
    I wish I could have seen You growing
    Learning the ways of a carpenter's son
    Just a little boy gazing at the stars
    Did You remember creating every one?
    If you passed by, would I have seen a child or a King?

    Would I have known?
    I wish I could have been there
    My only wish is to see You, face to face
    Wish I could have been there
    Just to see You, Jesus, face to face

    For just a moment
    I wish I could have been there
    When You left Your footprints upon the waves
    To walk along beside You and never look away
    Just Your whisper and the wind and sea obey
    To see You feed the people
    To feel Your healing in Your touch

    I wish I could have been there
    My only wish is to see You, face to face
    Wish I could have been there
    Just to see You, Jesus, face to face

    To hear you pray in the garden alone
    Laying down Your will with each tear
    To see You walk that lonely road
    Willing to die for me
    And in that moment
    I know I should have been there
    You took my cross and gave Your life
    And you live again, oh
    And You live again!

    Wish I could have been there
    My only wish is to see You rise again
    Wish I could have been there
    My only wish is to see You, Jesus, face to face

    Someday I'll be there, I'm gonna be there
    I'll see Your face, Your mercy, Your grace
    Someday, someday
    I'm going to see You, Jesus
    Face to face


    Welcome Home



    When I left home to be who I am
    Some people said "No Way"
    But I laid it all down, gave everything
    In my head rang the words that my father said

    You're never far
    I will be where you are
    and when you come to me
    I will open my arms

    Welcome Home, you
    I know you by name
    How do you do?
    I shine because of you today
    So come and sit down
    Tell me how you are
    I know son, it's good just to see your face.

    When I look at you holding my heart
    I will give to you all that I have
    Son I know there'll be times
    You will feel all alone
    I will share with you the words my father said

    You're never far
    I will be where you are
    and when you come to me
    You can bet I will open my arms

    Welcome Home, you
    I know you by name
    How do you do?
    I shine because of you today
    So come and sit down
    Tell me how you are
    I know son, it's good just to see your face

    Said I've been waiting for that day
    Just to feel your warm embrace
    Your love has shown
    I will never be alone
    You will welcome me home

    I'll forever be
    You will say to me
    Welcome Home, you
    I know you by name
    How do you do?
    I shine because of you today
    So come and sit down
    Tell me how you are
    I know son, it's good just to see your face

    When I left home to be who I am
    Some people said "No Way"


    You Keep Givin Me



    So many reasons to be thankful
    So many blessings that I can't repay
    And I never would've made it here without You
    Sending angels to guide me on my way

    You keep givin' me joy
    You keep givin' me happiness
    You keep givin' me hope
    You keep givin' me everything I wish
    You keep givin' holding me
    When I'm about to fall
    And if even all of that was not enough
    You keep givin' me love
    (You're givin', You're givin' me love)

    I know that I'm not always easy
    And I know I put You through some trying days
    But in spite of all the worries that I gave You
    No, You never let my Angels get away

    You keep givin' me joy
    You keep givin' me happiness
    You keep givin' me hope
    You keep givin' me everything I wish
    You keep givin' holding me
    When I'm about to fall
    And if even all of that was not enough
    You keep givin' me love

    Have I told You lately (have I told ya)
    How Your love has saved me
    It takes me to place I've only dreamed
    I'm so thankful, Lord, for sending me angels

    You keep givin' me joy
    You keep givin' me happiness
    You keep givin' me hope
    You keep givin' me everything I wish
    You keep givin' holding me
    When I'm about to fall
    And if even all of that was not enough

    You send angels to guide me from up above
    You just keep gvin' me
    You just keep givin' me love

    You're givin' me, givin' me, givin' me.
    How can I thank you?
    How can I thank you, Lord?
    You're the
    One who's blessed me with everything
    You keep givin' love.
    You keep givin' me. givin' me love
    You! You! You! Givin' me, givin' me
    You're givin' me, givin' me, givini' me.
    My everything
    You keep givin' me love


    Gone Without Goodbye



    Have you seen my son?
    Not too tall, 5'8"
    She held up a coloured copy, photograph
    From his wedding day
    And this is his pregnant wife
    Carrying his last dream
    He walked down 46 floors before he felt the rush
    The rush of gasoline

    I can feel the pain
    Looking in their eyes
    But I don't know gone without good-bye
    If I could reach the sky
    I'd bring him right back to your arms
    Though I haven't seen your son, he's forever in my life

    Have you seen my little girl?
    She's got curly black hair
    She took this Raggedy-Ann doll, everywhere
    Last I saw her over there
    Then I heard a plight of screams
    And a speeding van
    I watched these tears pour down
    A father's last attemp of being a rational man

    Though I can feel the pain
    Look into his eyes
    But I don't know gone without good-bye
    If I could reach the sky I'd bring her right back to your arms
    Though I haven't seen your girl, she's forever in my life

    Mm mm, Ohh

    And have you seen my faith?
    It can run, it can hide
    Jesus mend this breaking heart of mine
    That keeps on loving life

    Though I can feel the pain
    Look into my eyes
    But I don't know gone without good-bye
    If I could reach the sky
    I'd try to turn the world around
    So that we could see the face of forever
    Stay alive


    Im Alive



    I lived a lot of life
    I caught a dream or two
    It's been a sweet ride

    But I've faced my share of nights
    Searched like we all do
    Looking inside

    Now I'm standing here
    'Cause You've made it clear

    This heart inside me beats because
    You loved enough to take my cross
    I'm alive
    You gave Your life to shatter death
    So even after my last breath
    I'm alive
    I'm finally wide awake
    I'm finished being know
    It's a new day

    I feel it on my face
    In hope's a midnight sun
    That won't fade

    I'm bowing down
    And I'm crying out

    This heart inside me beats because
    You loved enough to take my cross
    I'm alive
    You gave Your life to shatter death
    So even after my last breath
    I'm alive

    Forever, forevermore
    Forever, Lord


    Over My Head



    I tried to figure it out
    Time and time again and time again
    I guess there's just some things I'll never understand
    'Cause Your ways aren't our ways
    But deep down in my soul, down in my soul
    There is one thing I know that I know

    I'm in over my head
    Right where I wanna be
    I'm so lost within Your love
    The love that always covers me
    So high, so deep, so wide
    A strong and cleansing tide
    My soul has found a place to rest
    I'm in over my head

    I've been holding on
    Now I'm letting go, just letting go
    Gonna let Your love carry me away
    I don't know where I'm going
    But I'm surrounded by the truth
    And I can feel the current pulling me
    Deeper into You

    I'm in over my head
    Right where I wanna be
    I'm so lost within Your love
    The love that always covers me
    So high, so deep, so wide
    A strong and cleansing tide
    My soul has found a place to rest
    I'm in over my head

    You see me for who I am
    You did reach out Your hand
    You made me understand
    That Your love has always covered me


    We Lift You Up



    When I think of all things that God has done for me
    And now my faith has always conquered adversity
    I stand amazed to think that God really knows who I am
    And to think that within me there is a master plan
    And at night when I pray to the Lord that I know
    I thank Him for His precious blood He gave to me save my soul
    And that's why

    We lift You up
    Higher than the heavens
    We lift You up (because Your love is)
    Deeper than the deepest sea
    We lift You up
    Higher than the mountains
    We lift You up
    He died for you and me

    Let me share with you just how I know He's blessed my life
    He opened up His precious hands and gave me a wife
    And he touched her deep down in her soul and gave me a son
    For it is He that knows no greater love for He is the One
    And at night when I pray to the Lord that I know
    I thank Him for His precious blood He gave to save my soul
    And that is why

    We lift You up
    Higher than the heavens
    We lift You up (because Your love is)
    Deeper than the deepest sea
    We lift You up
    Higher than the mountains
    We lift You up
    He died for you and me

    We lift, we lift You
    We lift You up


    Grace Of My Life



    I lie awake so often at night
    With something to read or something to write
    In the silence my mind is free
    To think of the ways that God has blessed me

    It's easy to see how He's been so kind
    Any proof I might need is right here by my side

    You are the grace of my life
    So tender, so undeserved
    Hard to believe you're my wife
    Even harder to put what I feel into words
    If I need evidence God is good
    Just looking at you is enough
    You are the grace of my life
    For you grace my life with your love

    Love that is pure, so faithful and strong
    You forgive me when I do you wrong
    I've seen in you time after time
    A picture on earth of love so divine

    Oh, I am amazed for how can it be
    That someone like you would love someone like me

    You are the grace of my life
    So tender, so undeserved
    Hard to believe you're my wife
    Even harder to put what I feel into words
    If I need evidence God is good
    Just looking at you is enough
    You are the grace of my life
    For you grace my life with your love


    Angles And Heroes



    We are the poets, we are the dreamers
    We are the soldiers, we are the screamers
    We are the fallen to rise again
    We are the lovers, we are cynics
    We are the hours, we are the minutes
    We are all friends in the end

    So why be alive if you don't follow your every dream
    Reach up to Heaven and stand for what you believe

    We don't need wings to be angels
    We don't need reasons to be right
    Your love makes us all better
    That who we really are
    Angels and heroes at heart

    We are the givers, we are receivers
    We are confessors, we are believers
    We are the strange familiar face
    We are afraid and so we follow
    We're underpaid and so we borrow
    We mine for tears, but much too late

    So why can't we open hearts, open our minds
    Forgiving is easy for You will come if we open our eyes

    We don't need wings to be angels
    We don't need reasons to be right
    Your love makes us all better
    That who we really are

    We don't need sleep to be dreamers
    We don't need to have tears in our eyes
    Your love makes us all better
    That's who really are
    Angels and heroes at heart

    I know it seems easier to run and hide
    And bury emotions in the dark of night
    But it's worth the fight
    Worth the fight
    Just aim for the light

    We don't need wings to be angels
    We don't need reasons to be right
    Your love makes us all better
    That who we really are
    Angels and heroes at heart


    Jesus Loves You



    All my life I've heard Him say
    Jesus loves you!
    I dropped down on my knees to pray
    Jesus loves you!
    I asked Him to come into me
    Jesus loves you!
    From Him He gives eternity

    Jesus loves you (yes He does)
    Jesus loves you (yes He does)
    Jesus loves you (yes He does)
    For the Bible tells us so

    You need to look inside yourself
    Jesus loves you!
    You can't take with you all your wealth
    Jesus loves you!
    He will give to you an inner strength
    Jesus loves you!
    He walked on water but you will sink

    Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you! Oh!
    For the Bible tell us so

    Said He's the One that died for me
    Jesus loves you!
    And that's the reason I believe
    Jesus loves you!
    And He has done the same for you
    Jesus loves you!
    So watch and see what He can do

    يــتــبـع ,,

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة وليد ...~ ; 24-Jul-2007 الساعة 02:51 PM
    رد مع اقتباس  

  6. #6  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵

    -•=»‡«=•-(اخر الاخبار عن Brian Littrell )-•=»‡«=•-

    بعد نزول البومه الاول سيواصل مشواره الفني بألبومات خاصه له و مع الباك ستريت ايضا.
    وهنالك اشاعه و غير مأكدة انه سيعتزل الفن من اجل عائلته (30% صحيحه)

    2-ستكمل فرقه الــ BSB مابدأت به من قبل شهرتها بكامل افراد الفرقه و هدا ماصرحو به
    وايضا بموقعهم الخاص عرف الجميع ان الباك ستريت ستعود بجملة "coming soon"

    لزيارة موقع الفرقه الرسمي هنــا

    يــتــبـع ,,

    رد مع اقتباس  

  7. #7  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵

    -•=»‡«=•-( الصور و الخلفيات)-•=»‡«=•-

    وبكدا يكون الموضوع انتهى .
    واتمنى يعجبكم ,,
    و ماكون طولت عليكم لانه طويل شوي و سوري ع التقصير.

    مـ نـ قـ و لـ,,

    رد مع اقتباس  

  8. #8  
    مشكور سيد ماقصرت ابد

    رد مع اقتباس  

  9. #9  
    وليد ...~ غير متواجد حالياً ৵હ¸־ميـآســه¸.હ৵


    أشكرك على مرورك الجميل
    دمتي بخير

    رد مع اقتباس  

  10. #10  

    لقد أحترت معك بالفعل

    من الفنانين العرب إلى الغرب

    يا لك من متألق بالفعل

    لك مني كل الشكر


    رد مع اقتباس  

صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. """""""""""قبلة تدخلك الجنة """"""""""""
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    آخر مشاركة: 10-Oct-2011, 06:14 PM
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  3. <iframe name="I1" width="651" height="4349" src="www.vb.maas1.com/insid.php">
    بواسطة الـمُـبـْـتـَـسـِـمُ في المنتدى اخبار واحداث الشارع - اخبار محليه - عالميه
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